Выберите свой регион


The entity that will sell our products or services to you depends on the delivery address to which we ship the products to or provide the service for. 

Deliveries in Europe

For deliveries to Germany:

Richemont Northern Europe GmbH
Landsberger Str. 302-306
80687 München

Company Representative: Stefan Unterstraßer

Tel:        +49 89 55984 0
Fax:       +49 89 55984 274
Email:    concierge.europe@vacheron-constantin.com

Commercial Register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 754 18
VAT: DE 129 311 406


For deliveries to France:

SC, Vacheron Constantin
SAS with capital of 28 138 356 €
775 658 859 RCS Paris
Registered Office: 13 Rue de la Paix - 75002 Paris - France
VAT: CEE FR 36 775 658 859

Company Representative: Annie Paray
Email:    concierge.europe@vacheron-constantin.com
Tel:        +33 1 70 70 20 27


For deliveries to the United Kingdom:

Richemont UK Limited
15 Hill Street
London W1J 5QT
United Kingdom
Company Registration Number: 348692

Tel:        +44 208 585 1755
Email:    concierge.europe@vacheron-constantin.com
VAT:      GB 238 5603 54


For deliveries to Switzerland:

Richemont Suisse S.A.
9, Route des Biches
1752 Villars-sur-Glâne
Company Registration Number: CH-660.0.193.969-9

Tel:     +41 52 235 73 63
Email:  concierge.europe@vacheron-constantin.com
VAT:    CHE-102.738.465


For all other European countries that we ship to:

RLG Europe BV, Amsterdam (NL), Swiss Branch, Villars sur Glâne
9 Route des Biches
CH-1752 Villars-sur-Glâne 2

Share capital: 17’700’000 €
Company Registration Number: CH-217-354-2090-9

Company Representative: Patricia Gandji
Tel:        +41 41 580 1755
Email:    concierge.europe@vacheron-constantin.com
VAT:      CHE-114.784.839


Online Dispute Resolution:
The European Commission offers the possibility for online dispute resolution on one of their online platforms. This platform can be accessed via the external link http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.


For deliveries to the US:

Vacheron Constantin North America, Division of Richemont North America, Inc.

645 Fifth Avenue

New York

NY 10022


Email:    concierge.us@vacheron-constantin.com